Pergran granulated is applied directly by sprinkling in poultry coops and perches in animal shelters such as barns, barns, boxing houses, etc. for the control of the creatures specified in the table. It is appropriate to use it in the amounts specified in the table depending on the application area. During application, there should be no feeders or waterers in shelters and coops. After the application, keep it closed for 30 minutes, then ventilate the empty closed area for half an hour, and clean the remaining product from the application. Prevent animals from coming into contact with and eating the product. Harmful Organisms for which it will be used Pest species Life stage Application area and method Application dose Active ingredient dosage Application range Tick It is applied by sprinkling in an empty closed area. 20 g product/m2 0.1 g.a.i/m2 When necessary, it is applied by scattering in an empty closed area. 20 g product/m2 0.1 g.a.i/m2 When necessary, Flea It is applied as an empty indoor area by sprinkling. 20 g product/m2 0.1 g.a.i/m2 When necessary, it is applied by sprinkling in Ant Empty closed areas. 30 g product/m2 0.15 g.a.i/m2 When necessary